Dr. Justin Michael Reed


CRT and Biblical Interpretation Class
Join a June 2024 class on critical race theory and biblical interpretation in Louisville, KY

CRT and Biblical Interpretation Talk
A seminar and Q&A on biblical interpretation and critical race theory

Judges Notes and Excursuses
My contribution to the first completely new study bible using the NRSVue

An Abolitionist Hermeneutical Experiment
An academic essay exploring prison abolition and biblical interpretation

Politics of Scripture Post
Mini-commentary on how Joseph and Jesus break free of their toxic background

Preaching Prep Resource
Mini-commentaries on biblical passages

Race and Ancient Egypt
An academic article on one way White people have racialized ancient Egyptians

Honoring God’s Diversity
Videos accompanying a Presbyterian Church USA curriculum on honoring God’s diversity

The Bible for Us
A resource for interpreting the Bible in ways that are honest and liberating

Louisville Institute Advisory Board
Grants and Fellowships for the study and advancement of North American Churches

Africana Biblical Hermeneutics
A panel discussion on Africana biblical scholarship

Caring for Others’ Perspectives
A “Children’s Chat” for Broad Street Presbyterian Church (Columbus, OH)

Ham in Aronofsky’s Noah
An academic article on Darren Aronofsky’s 2014 movie, Noah and reception history

The Injustice of Noah’s Curse
A new interpretation of a historically horrific text

Reception History Interview
Interview with Dr. Rick Jordan on why Bible teachers should care about the consequences of interpretation

Preaching Prep Podcast
Interview with Rachel Wrenn and Tim McNinch on insights into preaching 2 Kings 5:1-14

Women in the Bible
Interview alongside Rev. Dr. Angela Johnson by hosts Destini Hodges and Lee Catoe

The Sound of Easter
Scriptwriting for an amazing production from Center of Hope (Inglewood, CA) in 2018

KISS Bible Study
A defunct project with tons of things I would change… but people keep asking to see these; so here they are.

Black Toys Matter
A blog about sharing toys and healthy worldviews with little ones I love