Reading Genesis with Hurston
Four-week (February 2025) Bible Study at 2nd Presbyterian Church in Louisville, KY
Antiracist Hermeneutics
Join a seminar (Feb 27 – Mar 20) to explore strategies for addressing racist interpretation in the 21st century
CRT and Biblical Interpretation Class
The syllabus for a community class on critical race theory and biblical interpretation
Honor God’s Diversity Curriculum
Age-appropriate curriculum guides for a Sunday school series on diversity
Race and the Bible
A church lecture on the modern idea of race and how it relates to difference in the Bible
CRT and Biblical Interpretation Talk
A lecture and Q&A on biblical interpretation and critical race theory
Honor God’s Diversity
Videos accompanying a Presbyterian Church USA curriculum
The Bible for Us
A resource for interpreting the Bible in ways that are honest and liberating
Africana Biblical Hermeneutics
A panel discussion on Africana biblical scholarship
Preaching Prep Podcast
Interview with Rachel Wrenn and Tim McNinch on insights into preaching 2 Kings 5:1-14
Reception History Interview
Why Bible teachers should care about the consequences of interpretation
Caring for Others’ Perspectives
A “Children’s Chat” for Broad Street Presbyterian Church (Columbus, OH)
Judges Notes and Excursuses
My contribution to the first completely new study bible using the NRSVue
An Abolitionist Hermeneutical Experiment
How might abolitionist principles change what we see in the Bible?
Politics of Scripture Post
Mini-commentary on how Joseph and Jesus break free of their toxic background
Preaching Prep Resource
Nine mini-commentaries on biblical passages
Race and Ancient Egypt
An academic article on a surprising way White people have racialized ancient Egyptians
Ham in Aronofsky’s Noah
An academic article on the 2014 movie, Noah, and reception history