Learn with Me

Reading Genesis with Hurston
Sunday School (February 2, 9, 16, 23 at 9:45am) at 2nd Presbyterian Church in Louisville, KY

Antiracist Hermeneutics
Join a seminar (Feb 27 – Mar 20) to explore strategies for addressing racist interpretation in the 21st century 

CRT and Biblical Interpretation Class
The syllabus for a community class on critical race theory and biblical interpretation

Honor God’s Diversity Curriculum
Age-appropriate curriculum guides for a Sunday school series on diversity


Race and the Bible
A church lecture on the modern idea of race and how it relates to difference in the Bible

CRT and Biblical Interpretation Talk
A lecture and Q&A on biblical interpretation and critical race theory

Honor God’s Diversity
Videos accompanying a Presbyterian Church USA curriculum

The Bible for Us
A resource for interpreting the Bible in ways that are honest and liberating

Africana Biblical Hermeneutics
A panel discussion on Africana biblical scholarship

Preaching Prep Podcast
Interview with Rachel Wrenn and Tim McNinch on insights into preaching 2 Kings 5:1-14

Reception History Interview
Why Bible teachers should care about the consequences of interpretation

Caring for Others’ Perspectives
A “Children’s Chat” for Broad Street Presbyterian Church (Columbus, OH)


A New Study Bible
I contributed Judges notes and blurbs; contact for discount code

An Abolitionist Hermeneutical Experiment
How might abolitionist principles change what we see in the Bible?

Politics of Scripture Post
Mini-commentary on how Joseph and Jesus break free of their toxic background

Preaching Prep Resource
Nine mini-commentaries on biblical passages

Race and Ancient Egypt
An academic article on a surprising way White people have racialized ancient Egyptians

Ham in Aronofsky’s Noah
An academic article on the 2014 movie, Noah, and reception history